Sunday, November 18, 2007

Why Now? Part 1

The Capital Campaign Committee is preparing a recommendation to be brought to the congregation in early 2008. In the meantime, this communication marks the beginning of a weekly series of bulletin inserts giving further information on each of the six major campaign
projects and answering questions you may have about the proposed campaign. Written by Rev. Marion Clark, this first piece introduces the campaign by answering the question, “Why now?”

In early 1852, Tenth’s Dr. Henry Augustus Boardman met with several members to discuss founding a daughter church. Believing the time was right, by mid-year they purchased a lot at 17th and Spruce. Then everything went wrong. They raised only half the money they needed. Soon after, the country entered a serious financial depression that lasted 1859, so what did the people do? They moved forward in faith. The cornerstone was laid in 1855, and by May of the following year, the colony of 36 people began worship. The sanctuary they built back then is the one we worship in today. What vision they had!

Yet, think about this: as large as it was, their vision was too small! Today, the sanctuary holds barely half of Tenth’s membership. The only reason we can crowd the numbers who come for worship, study, fellowship, and ministry is that a previous generation bought the Delancey Building and dug out the Catacombs. What would we do if our own generation had not purchased the 315 Building, which is used every Sunday for Christian education, ministry activities, and worship? Yet still we do not have enough space. Our vision, too, needs to grow.

Because of our space constraints, we tell our ministries to hold back precisely at the time Center City is growing rapidly. We watch opportunities to advance the kingdom pass us by when we should be winning our neighbors into our doors. At present we are unable to accommodate all of the adult classes wanting to meet, and the international service is spilling out into the hallways.

At the same time, there are opportunities all around us. The population of Center City continues its strong growth. Every building space possible is being converted to residences; all open space is being taken for the same purpose. Young people and empty nesters are moving in by the thousands. It is now that our Center City community is experiencing a renaissance, and we are in the middle of it. Now is the time to win our new neighbors into our doors.

Still, some may wonder if now is the time to act, since our giving is behind. Yet, where in Scripture did God command his people to wait until they were secure before they acted? This is the God who commanded Gideon to reduce his military to a handful of men before sending them against a mighty army. Now, when we cannot look to our excess to assure us, is when we should step out to commit what we cannot see.

Now is the time we should act on the vision we believe God has given us, not at some unknown future point. Each project of the proposed campaign is needed, and each serves the purpose of
advancing our God-given mission. Are we to be a Gideon who demands greater signs to build confidence? We have planned with care; we have bathed all in prayer; we have surveyed; we have dialogued. Now is the time to commit.

For further perspective on the proposed campaign, watch Marion’s blog at If you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact any of the following committee members:

Marion Clark 215.735.7688x245
Brian Esterly 215.498.5687
Philip Ryken 215.735.7688x244
Elmer Snethen 856.722.0630