Monday, February 25, 2008


From the Spiritual Formation Committee, here are some suggestions to guide you as a pray for the campaign:

Praise God:

  • for the good turnout (over 100 people) at our first "Praying Tours" last Sunday.


  • for God to use the soon-to-be-mailed 30-day devotional guides in the lives of the congregation to help them make prayerful campaign commitment decisions.
  • for upcoming events, specifically the quarterly day of prayer and the second of the praying tours, both on March 2.
  • that the Lord will multiply the efforts and money directed toward church plants, as part of the campaign's city outreach efforts.

We have also had an encouraging update from the Band of Gideons. George McFarland reports that there are now 40 people who have signed up for the Band of Gideons and are praying daily for the Campaign! If you are interested in joining, please send him your name and email address at You are also encouraged to share any particular blessing from the Campaign. Here are a few encouraging quotes that the Band considered in a recent email update:

"Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscle of omnipotence." Charles Spurgeon

"Jesus did not pray about things, he brought things about by prayer." Armin Gesswein